Saturday, September 11, 2010

Healthy Sugar Cookie Recipe!

Tonight, James and I are going to make some oh-so-yummy cookies for dessert! I am so excited! I've had this healthy sugar cookie recipe sitting in my recipe box for a little while now, and I just recently remembered about it. 
James and I are going to be busy mixing it up in the kitchen, and I'm going to set some aside without milk or eggs for Jackson to explore, as well!
My recipe is for healthy sugar cookies made with whole wheat flour, I use a milk alternative (nonfat works too), and a sugar alternative. I have not had them in a while, and I hope my lovelies really enjoy them!

(And just for reference, James and Jackson are the boys I nanny for- and they are awesome!)

Healthy Sugar Cookies

You'll need:
whole wheat flour
baking powder
baking soda
low fat unsalted margarine
sugar alternative
egg whites
nonfat, almond, or soy milk
lemon juice

1.  Mix 2 cups of whole wheat flour with teaspoon of baking soda. Add and mix in a half teaspoon of salt and a cup of sugar alternative. Make sure that you sift and mix these well.

2.  Now fold in half a cup of low fat unsalted margarine. Make sure to mix this in well so your dough has an even consistency.

3.  Next mix in two egg whites, on tablespoon of nonfat milk (I like soy or almond milk, too), and a half teaspoon of lemon juice.

4.  Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

5.  Roll dough into small circles and place 2 inches apart or roll flat and use a cookie cutter to get special shapes.

6.  Bake 10 minutes or until pale brown on the sides.

7.  Remove from cookie sheet and cool. Enjoy!

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